Happy Birthday Blipfoto!

I made a tiramisu for my Blipfriends and Blipfoto and bought my red balloons to be able to join the birthday party! Since I have been very sick for three days, I couldn't organize a birthday picture as I wish… Maybe tomorrow! Tomorrow is the last day for celebrating Blipfoto and real birthday date I think!

I am just thankful to Blipfoto because :

I made so many great friends from every corner of the world… I can touch their ( your ) life and heart and you can mine… I could meet two of my Blipfriends : dear EvelyneNaylorC and BerkeleyBlipper! How lucky I am!

I can see all the beauties and interesting places all over the world without going there…

Blipfoto makes me go out to find and take a picture, which is like a theraphy for my soul…

Blipfoto opened my eyes to see the beauties and derelict ones ( Thanks to Sarum Stroller) around me…

Who could do these?

I am very proud of being one of members of this wonderful Blip community! I just wanted to write that Blipfoto means a lot to me…

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