Big Cloud

After finishing work I decided to nip out on my bike to make the most of the fine weather after several days of grey dampness and darkness. It possibly wasn't the brightest of afternoons, and the light wasn't great for photography but I did spot this rather large and ominous cloud above these trees.

I didn't have much time after the bike ride to have my tea and to get ready before heading out again to the camera club for my second meeting. It was competition night and it was very interesting to see the different types of images people had submitted and also to hear the judges comments on the pictures.

I must admit I enjoyed looking at the pictures and the feedback, and I don't think I would be embarrassed to submit some of my own pictures (I hope that doesn't sound too big headed). I just have to raid the archives now to find some suitable pictures to print out and submit. Thanks to Blip I now have quite a range of pictures to review and choose from. At least that's an activity to do now that the nights are beginning to draw in.

I'll try and catch up with comments over the weekend, but I'm a bit rushed this evening.

Have a good weekend

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