I see no ships ....

We popped down to the Waterfront at Ipswich this morning to see the 24 Tall Ships which had left Rotterdam on Wednesday for the Race of the Classics sailing race and had arrived yesterday. They are due to leave 6 pm tonight for the final leg of the race, which will end in Amsterdam. Apparently there was much partying going on last night till the early hours of this morning and as we walked along the ships plenty of music was still being played on board some of the ships with much laughter and dancing still going on. What lovely people the Dutch are!
In addition to regular crew members on the ships there were about 800 young businessmen and women on board, helping to keep the vessels going, while networking at the same time.

It was a really impressive sight so glad we went along although I don't think Bracken looks very impressed!

Oldenglishe will post up some better photos of the Tall Ships on his journal later!

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