
By 7in7


Today we went on a kayaking trip into the mangroves in Koh Lanta. The truck journey to the water was windy to say the least! It felt like a sky dive as we sped down the road on the back.

The kayaking in the morning was very peaceful and I found my new favourite fish, the mudskipper which looks like a baby crocodile with big eyes...there were loads on the side of the bank. After our little trip up the river we came back to meet up with a couple from London and then across a lake to feed a tribe of monkeys on the other side...only one of which would jump into the water to fetch the floating pineapple and he was soooo cute! He was the smallest so I think that was his only opportunity to get hold of food against all the other bigger, aggressive monkeys!

We then went for lunch at a fish far, where I got to hold this puffer fish, which looks like a Pokemon, don't you think?

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