
By victoriangeny

Warped tour

This is a picture of Logan and me before Warped Tour 2013. She invited me to go, and I gladly accepted the offer. Ever since the end of school I was excited to go to warped tour. The night before, I slept over at her mom’s house with her sister Lauren and her boyfriend Mark. That night was a very relaxed night, leading to a very awful morning. Around 5 a.m. I heard the sound of someone puking, and I rolled over to see it was Logan. We had wings the night before, and I think that’s why she got sick. After we all woke up around 5:30 a.m. to start getting ready, Logan slowly began got better. We left around 7 a.m. to be at the Toyota Pavilion in Scranton by 9:00 a.m. so we could be one of the first ones in the gates. The day was a very good day; however, it was a very long, hot day. Halfway through the day, we went and sat under the pavilion to get out of the sun, and rest our feet. I did many things for the first time ever, like crowd surf, and take part in a mosh pit. It was one of the best days ever, despite the horrible sunburn as a type of aftermath.

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