Waxcap Wonderland

The weather has been much kinder today. This morning I joined a local Health Walk group on their weekly wander around the local common to talk to them about fungi. They seemed to enjoy it because I was invited to do it again next year, and was lavishly rewarded with tea and biscuits.
This afternoon I met up with Roger, with whom I am jointly leading a foray on Saturday to do a reccy. The area we are visiting includes grassland and woodland, and we decided to look at the grassland first. I don't think I have ever seen so many fungi! We found 7 species of Waxcap (this one is Hygrocybe virginea - the Snowy Waxcap) but the number of fungi was unbelievable!. There were quite a few fungi in the woodland too, so as long as the weather is on our side, we should have a good outing.

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