
By Cygnus

A work in progress

The Ards Man is working away at the coffee table for the Gussies. It is still a work in progress as it needs to have its drawers designed and built. The little rectangles you might see are bits of tape to ID the various bits of the table when it is taken apart again. The parts all slot together.

This blip is for the Gussies, so they know that progress is being made!

Tonight as I drove home from Holywood (a physio appointment again) there were hundreds of rooks performing aerial gymnastics over the trees at the side of the road. It was fantastic! Unfortunately I was driving along a narrow country road and there was traffic behind me, so I couldn't stop to even try for a blip.

Do rooks migrate? I don't know. They are certainly in full-on sociable party mode.

Party on, rooks!

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