
This morning started with a bit of a rush as we had managed to forget to set the alarm.. The wifeycle zoomed off to work and I took the dogs for a wander before heading off to town to collect some bits, then off to the wilds of Tankerness to start on a job. It is supposed to be simple - just fitting all the sanitary ware in a brand new house. All of the supply and waste pipes are there, so I should be able to just plug into them all. Shame that they aren't int he right place and that the concrete floor is neither flat nor level. Humph!
I worked away til mid afternoon then headed to town for more parts and had a wee bit of a blether to Rachel at the plumbers merchant. Apparently there are times she needs a sick back when reading my blips... Such a shame ;)
I stopped off to look at another job before coming home to find my beautiful girl making us dinner. Whilst she slaved over the hot stove, I wandered in the garden looking for something to fit the October word challenge subject of colour. This is about as good as it got today. The garden is dying back, almost to the stage now which it was in when we got the keys nearly a year ago.

Thank you all again for putting me in the spotlight again yesterday - two in a row! I can't believe it. I know this one won't go in the spotlight :)

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