
By Lilyrex



Armed with champagne, and dressed in her customary froth of pinks and purples, Lillian was next to arrive at Marta's. She fluttered about like a windblown peony, before sitting down and opening the bottle.

'Well I must say,' she said, pouring her niece a drink. 'I'm very much looking forward to your barbecue at the weekend. Is your father coming?'

'No,' Marta clinked her glass against Lillian's, 'he decided that he didn't want to be in the same country as my mother and a load of sharp skewers.'

'Oh she wouldn't have cared,' said Lillian, 'she's too taken up with this new man of hers.'

Marta laughed. 'Lil, I actually thought you said new man there.'

'Yes dear, the one from the speed dating.' She frowned for a moment. 'Was it the one with the teeth, do you suppose....?' She tailed off, seeing the look on Marta's face. 'Oh dear....she hasn't told you, has she.'

'Speed dating?' Marta wondered if Lillian had already been drinking. 'You must be mistaken Aunt Lillian; my mother would never go speed dating!'

'And why on earth not?' Lillian was indignant. 'It's not just you young things who want company. Your mother and I aren't dead you know!'

'Of course not, but she hasn't looked at a man since dad left.'

'Darling, Dora was barely twenty when he went. She's had quite a few dalliances since then.'

'Quite a few? But I'd have noticed her, um.....dallying.' Marta thought for a moment. 'Surely I'd have noticed?'

'She's very discreet, dear....,' Lillian caught Marta's eye, '....at times.'

Marta refilled Lillian's glass. 'Tell me more. I must hear more. Tell me about the old ones. God,' she poured herself another drink too, 'tell me about this new one!

'Well I shouldn't,' said Lillian, beginning to enjoy herself, 'but it really must be the chap with the teeth........'

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