
Dropped Lil at Breakfast Club and headed off sharpish to try and beat the traffic into Truro. I failed miserably - I am still naively I know surprised that my normal 20minute journey takes at least twice as long at 8.30 in the morning!

Did a mock and felt miserable - just couldn't do one question at all. Of the others - I've either 'got it' and aced them or really haven't and have flunked them. Ah well.

Came home to find MrRoly had been thwarted in his work plans by builders accidentally damaging the telegraph pole across the road. He disconnected our phone socket thinking it was a reoccurrence of an old fault only to see the wire coming into our house flapping around next door's drive...

Bathed the small 2 while the big 2 were at scouts and realised Red's scabby mankyness has spread to one of his knees and possibly his thighs :-o. So no school again tomorrow then...

Just realisedi blipped without explaining the eggs - Vamilla the White Leghorn has come into lay! But, and it's quite a big but, from the size of her eggs, I think I got a bantam by mistake! She's almost as big as the others though and definitely holding her own.

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