
By Richharris


I have wanted to take some kind of blip to convey the struggle I face on my commute for some time now seeing as I spend about three hours a day travelling to and from work. There is one point on the journey where the crowd is particularly bad, at the interchange between lines 15 and 13. I have tried to take a photo of this on my phone a few times but it never comes out so today I went out armed with my SLR.

I get so frustrated when I get held up behind a dawdler, wandering along in his own little world playing some mindless computer game (yes endless crowds of grown men can be seen every morning matching lines of farmyard animals on ipads to win points, it is quite bizarre). How I would react if some idiot tourist ground to a halt in front of me and started trying to take photos on his camera as the crowd surged around him, I cannot say. It would probably lead to some quite strong words under my breath. Luckily for me, I don't speak Mandarin, so when I was that very tourist this morning trying to twiddle my f-stop dial as the crowd built up pressure behind me, I could not hear what I was being called.

Unfortunately the pressure was too great and I only had time to fire off a couple of shots and they both came out overexposed at the top where the elevator emerges into daylight. I fought hard for this photo though, it took a lot of effort so it is staying. I actually quite like the overexposure. It looks like some kind of stairway to another world. Beam me up Scotty.

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