twinned with trumpton



Sunday was clear and bright, mostly. And more importantly dry.

Breakfast and then out around 10 to Grimness for a circuit of the headland there. Was fabulous. Copinsay to the north, distinctive and remote, and the vast expanse of water to the east. Chatted as we went.

Lunch then Hoxa for a wander around. Cloudier but still fine. And we learned about sheep on their back. OK, she did.

Met Molly in the Hope, she seemed surprised (!) and then I arranged to meet bro at the Sands. Full and frank exchange of views. Like why as his brother I was meeting him in the pub, not at his? He didn't have an argument, so we'll see. And also straightened out the story about how I was there.

And saw my first wild otter on Barrier 4; stopped by the side of the road after scampering across in front of me. So sleek, black and nimble.

Home around 6, cooked dinner and another stove - heated evening in front of half watched television.

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