
By ilkkavalkila

Last one in sauna

Jani was the last one to enjoy sauna this evening. Before him it was my turn, after changing the cars' tyres after Triinu got home. By then, I had already heated the sauna. She has long days in her training now and has to drive a lot. The morning temperatures are getting lower, so winter tyres may be needed in the following days.

My day consisted of feeding the calves and renovating the shed as usual. Some water pipes need to be replaced. I drove off to buy them in the afternoon.

And my interview was in the newspaper today! They wanted to interview someone who is quitting with cows now. I spoke with the journalist on Monday and the photographer visited us yesterday. Actually, when I was reading the paper, I hardly remembered that it would probably be in today's paper, so seeing myself there was a bit of a surprise!

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