
By TBay

The burning bush.

I have been rather desk bound again but at tea time I ventured out to one of our front fields where Mr Tbay had noticed some more mushrooms. Quite late I would have thought but there they were and quite a lot of them. After a good bags worth I then gat the dogs and went for a walk around. The sun was just beginning to throw some spectacular colours at the sky so I hung around and took a lot of pictures as it sank slowly. There were some pretty big dark dramatic clouds around too, so this may indicate more rain tonight. I got some very colourful shots which I am quite pleased with.

Farming - Mr Tbay Jnr home first thing as a customer needed him for hauling dirt. Two on compost hauling as usual . Customer still wanting to go silaging Friday! I had got it wrong as it is grass silage not maize so really not a goer of it is still as wet as this!!

Mr Tbay's main aim of the day was to try and sort out BT as we have no land line on our house number. Fax line unaffected. Appalling customer services and it took him absolutely ages to get hold of anyone. He had started last night but gave up at 10pm! So this morning was a continuation. Eventually he did sort out diverting calls to his mobile thank goodness. No idea when we will have our land line back!

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