the colour green

By jukeys


Annie and I went to a braderie in Plan de Cuques this morning. It's basically a second-hand clothes sale put on by the church there to raise money. Plan de Cuques is a pretty affluent area of Marseille so we knew we might get some good bargains on some fancy clothes.

The first thing to say was it was absolutely BUNGED! There was a queue outside when we arrived at 9am. Crazy stuff. Secondly, it was much cheaper than we thought.....all tops were €1, coats were €3, and there was loads more than that. Fantastic. Got a couple of tops and a "not very me" raincoat that Annie swears is really nice on me. For €3, I couldn't really say no.

Pierre's grandpa came for lunch and then we headed home to Les Pilles.

Because I've backblipped the past few entries, I forgot to mention that on Thursday I found out I hadn't got the job at the tourist office. Pretty disappointed as they picked someone with more knowledge of the region than me (having asked me nothing about my knowledge!), but really pleased I'd gone for it and got the experience of an interview in French.

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