Changed this from the boring road shot

Wednesday 15th Oct

It is raining and grey looking and looks set like this for a while although the upside is a clean windscreen. The aim is to arrive somewhere near Rennes today. We have a new housesitter at home, she is a lady from Boston who has spent the last week in Scotland, the cats have been instructed to make her welcome, I hope this doesn't include too many presents.

A day of driving sometimes in rain or sunshine. At one stage we were following a few lorries into a roundabout when there appeared to be a hiccup. One of the low loaders in front lost its load on the roundabout. The load was a large plough used by farmers. Apart from the fact a feeling of relief, to put in mildly, that it didn't hit anything what an embarrassing situation for the driver. Fortunately there was a raised grass verge for other vehicles to pass it.

The overnight stop was near the site of le Mont St Michel near St Malo. The France passion place was a restaurant selling moules frites, crepes etc. It was closed. We decided to go for a walk before eating - it looked like rain - and wandered about a mile to the marsh with a distant view of Le Mont St Michel. And any number of sheep across the marsh to blip, it all looked very wet out there.

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