Harvesting beech nuts......as you do!?!!!!

Spent some time foraging for autumn stuff for 'feely' bags after school then sorted stuff in school till the parents info meeting at 7pm.
That seemed to go well but it was gone 8pm before I was heading home. And I had to work at not feeling tired and fed up!
Spent the rest if the evening combing Jewelz. :)

Verse of the day:
God is the strength of my heart. Ps73:26

I found myself longing to read my bible this morning, hungering for comfort, strength, reassurance....something! And wondering if I was only using it as a crutch.
Then I read this verse! There's a bit more to it but that's the bit that struck me most.
I don't believe/wouldn't describe the bible as a crutch but for those who think it may be...there is no shame in using a crutch when you need support to stand!

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