
By SpotsOfTime


Not the easiest of days and I got out for a late walk and had wanted to blip this field some weeks ago - not the best light tonight but decided to 'blip and be damned'. Changed the poem from one by Melville to this one, inspired by WalkAndrewWalk's entry and poem by Roethke which prompted further reading of Roethke's poetry.

Bound - Theodore Roethke

Negative tree, you are belief
Engendered by an iron grief,

A variously compounded fact
Denied the favor of swift act.

With terrible precision, you
Can split an aging rock in two;

Yet in your dumb profusion there
Is quiet, positive and clear.

You are a timeless sorrow thrust
Beyond the dreamlessness of dust.

You are a bird, securely bound,
That sings the song of voiceless ground,

And builds a nest in sterile stone,
Yet breeds no kin of flesh and bone.

You are a bird denied, the blood
Of earth in flying attitude.

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