
By mar

After enlightenment, the laundry.

After enlightenment, the laundry.
~Zen proverb

Helllooo Friday!! I actually had off today which was a very odd feeling. I handed in my portfolio this week so was forced not to look at it, I have no Photoshop assignment (yet) and so it was time for me to do nothing. But I don't do 'nothing' very well, and although laundry hasn't been done in over a week (pixies and fairies on strike I guess) and no one has complained yet, I felt obliged to make a start. It's amazing the amount of clothes 3 people go through in a week!

Meanwhile, we're striving to go back to a bit healthier eating today - so fruit has been re-stocked. Even if no one eats it, at least I did my end of the bargain by going shopping. Why is there so much? Well, a little confession - I don't eat fruit (or vegetables) so I'm not sure what to look for when buying it leaving me to buy a bunch and let Charlotte and Michael decide what to eat.

Charlotte's at a friends until later so Michael left work early and after a bit of rest, was back to NPA preparing for this weekend. There are several 'puppet' people coming tomorrow in preparation for Sunday's Soup Day which means we only have today to get everything ready as tomorrow we'll be picking them up from train/bus stations, taking them to their hotel/b&b's and entertaining them at night. Fun Fun Fun.

Tomorrow puppets, but today the laundry. I live a glamorous life.

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