Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Head wear!

Will seems to have a 'thing' about hats at the moment, although he added his neck warmer into the mix today, as you can see. It honestly isn't that cold in the house yet.

Dentist after school today. Carys got a clean bill of health. Will did very well. He had his usual treatment to his front teeth, which were damaged by his reflux when he was little, he also had to have a little filling in one of his back teeth. The dentist reassured me it is nothing to worry about, again likely to be due to his reflux.

We had a letter from school today explaining that Will will be going into 1/R after half term. This will be a whole new ball game as Carys stayed her whole first year in Reception. He was not impressed when he was told, sobbing that he wouldn't see his teacher or one of the TA's ever again. Carys tried to comfort him saying that he was at last doing something that she had never done and telling him he would be in her friend's brother's class which got a watery smile. He will be fine I am sure, we will talk about it more tomorrow. He knew that 11 children would be moving, he just obviously never thought that he would be one of them.

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