Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

We've done it!!

After an early (ish) start - the walk to the top was underway - 10:30 top be precise. Which was probably an hour later than I anticipated but as usual I forgot about my youngest having a complete inability of any sense of TIME!!

The weather was great when we headed out and the thought did occur to me....."I wish i had worn my shorts!!"

However as we neared the top the temperature did drop a tad and it was on with the hat, coat and gloves and 4 hours after we started we reached the summit!!

A great achievement all round - a few photos were taken and then it was back down to our starting point.

It even started to snow a little - and a rendition of "let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!" could be heard being bellowed from the top by my good self and the youngest!

By the time we got back down to the car the light was beginning to fade. Tired limbs all round but a great day was had by all and to cap it all, in the stillness of the valley, distant stags bellowing, as they were preparing for the rut, could be heard!


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