All the leaves are brown

All the leaves are brown,
Almost all of them I mean,
Some stay evergreen.

The earlybird challenge alarm was most unwelcome this morning!

A new tinnitus noise woke me at 3am and I couldn't get back to sleep until I'd got up and searched all the rooms and checked out of the windows for the beeping sound that evidently only I could hear!

This also meant discovering Stella's raincoat hanging on the bedroom door handle. Now, either she got up and dressed let herself out and back in again, which I'd love to believe to be true, or, and the more likely scenario given Stella's lack of super-intelligent evolvement, I took her out in some sort of sleepwalk state. I only hope we didn't stray from the garden!

Unsurprisingly I was a bit dizzy when the alarm went off and may have used language not becoming of a lady. I hit the snooze twice but then got up and did a few yoga poses but nothing to make the dizzies worse.

It even stopped raining just long enough for walkies today. Hurray!

In other news, it's still National Chocolate Week! :)

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