Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Ducks or Leaves?

So for past vacations at lake houses (or pond houses in our case ...), Loki has only ever seen ducks that float around near us in the water. So naturally, when he sees something floating by him on the dock, he immediately thinks duck (dog logic). Unfortunately for him, they were all leaves this year ;) Still, that didn't deter him from barking madly at each.and.every.leaf that floated by us (which was a whole lot some days!).
Andy and Mr. Badger went on a canoe ride around the lake and left the canoe tied up to the dock afterwards. Loki thought this was the perfect opportunity to get closer to those darn "ducks" and tell them how much he wanted to get them. I had to keep reminding him to keep his little body inside the boat please since he very much wanted to leap right in. You'd think after every leaf he inspected up close turned up to be not a duck he'd have given up, but nope, this persisted all week <3
We ended the day with a camp fire and "scary stories" with s'mores.

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