Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

All booked!

Mondays, just lately, are as busy as ever, usually resulting in my getting home after 7pm. My poor husband puts up with this, but understandably comments on the lateness if tea. Today was no different!

Late getting to my lace class again (starts at 7:30pm), but part of that was because I went and booked us in for our Christmas Dinner - table booked for 6 people, me, him indoors, the kids, pa-in-law and possibly my aunt, AJ. At least that's one worry out of the way, now just need to choose what to eat ......

Day off tomorrow, taking pa-in-law to the doctors to have blood tests then into town, visiting my mum and then I plan to do some paperwork and possibly some lace. Un-decided on which Weight Watchers meeting to go to now the one I've been going to for nearly 18 months has closed, time if meetings is the main factor.


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