
By CharChar

Meet Casanova

.... The camel!

So today we had a little look around our huge hotel and made ourselves at home!

We decided to take a walk down to the beach where we met Casanova the camel! First the man said he'd take our picture standing by him then said just sit on him for a photo I wasn't keen but he promised he wouldn't let it stand up, as u can see he lied!!! Gem loved leading Casanova through the desert!!

Tonight we've ventured out to soho square, where there are lots of shops and bars, one man told Gem that he'd give her an iPhone 5 for me! Used to be camels but luckily for me Gem has already got an iPhone 5!

We've heard a lot of chat up lines today the best was "would u like to come night time snorkelling"??

Had a fab first day in Egypt!

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