Judith's photos

By Judith

I took this as a preparation shot before trying something a bit creative, but before I had the chance, the phone rang.

It was the Piper Lifeline people, telling me that our elderly neighbour had pressed her alarm button as she'd fallen in the kitchen and banged / cut her head, and could I go round, press something onto the cut to minimise the bleeding and make sure the paramedic could get in - which I duly did. June had a massive 'egg' the size of a fist on the back of her head and there was a worryingly large puddle of blood on the kitchen floor. She was taken to hospital for a head scan.

June's just phoned me to say that she's fine, her son's with her now, and she hopes to be discharged tomorrow. But what happens next? This is her third fall in under three months, each one worse than the one before, and the second fall that's resulted in an ambulance to hospital. I really don't know how much longer she can live alone in safety ...

Didn't feel like taking any more photos today.

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