4 Blues and then some...

By ju4bluz

Water Play

Was on the water today rather than in it!

Despite living here for so long I have never been out whale watching - which is what we did today. And it couldn't have been a better day for it, a light breeze crystal blue sky and s tolerable swell, except we didn't really see many whales - a couple of Minkies, that was it - but saw so much else; dolphins, porpoises, gannets, terns, guillimots, razor bills, kittywakes, shags, manx shearwaters, sooty shearwaters, common gulls, great black backed gulls, artic skua(?) and lots of seals including 2 3-day old pups. What a treat and almost on our doorstep.

Difficult to really capture everything, but I liked this one of the dolphins playing under the boat.

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