Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


Daughter L is off to the fire station.

She is in fire school and plans on graduating in February. This plus her busy schedule in college.

I'm most proud of these young people who work so hard and do so much to make the World better. So often all we hear about in the media is the negative side of society: the serial killer psychopaths, the scoundrel professional athletes that beat their spouses, the drug addicted parents that prostitute their children, and the politicos that cheat, lie and steal their way to power.

I salute all the rest of you that work hard every day to make us a better species: those that build things in factories, those that fix things (like pipes and wires and tires), those that teach, those that grow crops and tend animals, those that raise families, and all the other moral, decent and good hearted people that I meet every day.

But today, a special salute to those watch over the rest of us while we sleep.

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