BCAM - Pink Challenge Day 13

Got majorly fixed at physio today with some new pain that has developed, I'm so extremely grateful. I think my physiotherapist is an absolute Godsend!

Went to the church office to help some more with the preparations for the community outreach. It was good to be productive and helpful.

Our supermarket, the one I go to nearly everyday, has dress up clothes displayed for Halloween already. Yesterday's was at the other supermarket that I don't go to often.

Sadly Halloween is pretty big here and there is a street in DB that is completely closed so that kids can go trick or treating and all the houses on that street HAVE to decorate outside for Halloween! No rules for Christmas, but Halloween yes! Very frustrating indeed.

Anyway, once again, would you please click here on the pink bar to help with cancer research and with free mammograms. I hope that you are clicking, every click counts! Thank you:)

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