giving me the eye... a green bug

on a pink flower - yup! more pink

can you believe it? - super cool - however, i'm not certain - what the green-eyed bug is - i don't think it's - a grasshopper - unless it's a different variety - than i'm used to seeing - it doesn't matter - it wasn't a happy camper - i was up - in its face - with my black box - having to use - a flash no less - since it was so overcast - and cloudy today - but i was after - my ongoing theme - of pink - delighted to see it - after the many storms - we've experienced over - the past several days - and to be honest - was a bit startled - to see this little guy anyway - balanced on top of - the blossom - it simply was like - getting a 2-fer - in my mind - and that always - makes for...


happy day.....

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