Grave Situation

What a dreich morning. Juno refused to go a walk. Managed to get her out. The low mist on the hill gave an spooky atmosphere. Met another dog in the gloom and Juno had a run around as I chatted to the owner.

Work not bad today, did not manage to get out for lunch walk.

Quiet evening with kids.

This intrigued me this morning, are they selling these? One previous owner, must have the name and lived between these dates. Or are they trying to tidy up the graveyard and place them back?

Will check out the progress.

Saw Edinburgh unicycle man this morning, he was pushing his unicycle as he walked with a baby strapped to his front. Could imagine the conversation when he left home 'Don't you dare cycle with the wee one, you have been warned.' Wonder if he will have a unicycle tag along when the baby is older.

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