As far as the eye can see...and still growing...

I took some time out today to visit the poppies at the Tower of London again. The sea of red has grown significantly since we were last there in August. Overhearing some conversations, it was the first time for some today and all had the same reaction; one of awe and wonder and much thought. There was quite a bit of activity too with army and navy cadets and a flag raising ceremony by pensioners groups. The volunteers were on lunch break when I was there and some had taken time out to walk in amongst the poppies, each with their own thoughts.

I then joined the crowds on the South Bank and headed back to London Bridge for home...but changed plan and platform and popped to Covent Garden first.

Soon D will be home from a weekend of walking in Youlgreave with seventeen other young men. He did the driving for those from this end this time. A long journey but it's usually a very happy time for them all!

And please support SweetArt and click to give a free mammogram where it might be needed. Thank you! I'm hoping red can count today!

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