Targets vs Achievements

People aren't very good at evaluating how well they are doing. Someone who has three things to do and clears them all feels happier than someone who manages four things out of six. I know this, but I still write down long lists of things to do over a weekend. Silly NickMog.

Anyway, today was planned as a relaxing day. Just go for a gentle run and then tick off a few things but, basically, relax a bit. It was quite nippy when I started the run so I pressed on a bit to keep warm. And then I was on quite a fast pace so I decided to keep it up until the halfway mark at 5k and then relax a bit for the return leg. So I stopped at 5k and did 3o or so seconds of stretching before setting off again. But started off surprisingly quickly. In the end, I averaged 7:02 a mile over the 10k. And was a bit disappointed when I worked out afterwards that I had just missed the meaningless 7:00 a mile mark. And regretted the time spent stretching.

And then I spent the afternoon getting through lots of jobs but didn't fit in any reading.

Oh well, I've just watched yesterday's Dr Who and done this so it's not all hard work!

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