~wet morning~

Woke up this morning to a complete downpour.. Wasn't long and the sun came out and was beautiful. I took a walk down into the coral and was greeted by Button and Peanut. Lisa is letting them roam the whole coral now. They are such joys to have. ( In case I didn't mention they are miniature ponies)
There is still some flowers that have blossoms so I thought I should get their pictures before they are gone for the winter.
By noon I went to Brent and Lacey's and helped them with their house. They have done so much, very impressive. Mike is working on re-wiring their garage and shop for them.
I took the girls home tonight but not before stopping off to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful sunset once again.
Once home we ordered pizza, they took baths and I painted their finger and toenails.
They are now all fast asleep.

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