Goodbye xxxx

Today has been really hard. I was awake and up a lot in the night with Tallulah. When I woke up at 7.30 she had wriggled right under the bed beneath me. She used to always lie here until we bought a new bed and then she couldn't fit, but with her reduced weight she just managed to get in. We made the hard decision to take her to the vets, our appointment was at 4.50. We spent the day making her comfortable, helping her out side for the loo and trying to get her to eat or drink something.

By the time we arrived at the vets she was so weak. The vets were lovely and patient with us. The vet took her time and was very gentle with my Tallulah. She agreed with us that it was time. Tallulah died shortly after 5 this afternoon. We are all totally heart broken.

But we have to think of the 13 years and 7 months of airedale madness we have had with her. the boys don't know life without her.

I can remember brining her home, and Pete asking what we would call her - Tallulah - the name of a song by a band we both love - The Go Betweens, and that started our life with this mad dog. As a puppy she was a terror. She ate post - a rare tape cassette of Petes - then ate the replacement one. She claimed the boys sand pit as hers and dug all the sane out on a regular basis. She was most comfortable sleeping on lego, or on her back with legs in the air, or her head lower than her body.

She hated hot air balloons, or anything in the sky - vapour trails were a real nuisance. She loved playing chase and the stick game - especially two sticks with Pete.

She loved to help open presents. At Christmas and birthdays she would practically climb on the bed to see what was inside the paper. She had her own Christmas stocking that she loved and her and Pete would open, of course she had to have two or three of her treats.

She was my shadow and followed me everywhere. She loved to stand between me and the cooker, and if I had lasagne in the oven she would walk up and down the oven sniffing it. She hated the washing machine and would bark at it and put her head inside the drum to help me get the washing out. She would be the first to have a look at what shopping you had bought when you came home. She loved the car and always wanted to come with us. When we we were packing the car to go away she would sit in the drivers seat patiently waiting for us to get ready.

She had a good life, and we had a good life with her. We will miss her terribly and never forget her. Good bye my Tallulah Berry, Baby Bear, my lovely Airedale Terrier Tallulah . xxxxx

I am sorry the picture is not very exciting, but rain drops sum up today for me.

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