EF'ing life

By AnnaKC


I know I promised pics of the F'ers, but they don't sit still and this made me chuckle. She's going to be a toughy.

Double swimming today. A 'fun' swim at 9 for an hour to build confidence after the tears at last week's lesson and then their lesson at 10.30. It went much better. Also. I took E for her first swim and she liked it.

I know I should have taken her sooner, but my ridiculous fear of tummy bugs makes pools a bit of an anxious area. I spoke to the doctor this week and he didn't tell me anything I didn't know, but the message was to try and do things that make me anxious and then this in turn will reduce the fear (assuming we don't all come down with a bug!).

The boys watched Mr Peabody and Sherman this afternoon and it made them proper giggle.

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