Home from Home

A quick blip today of a little cluster of fungi I found in the garden of our holiday cottage with my phone just before we left for home. When I say our holiday cottage, we don't own it (I wish!) but we have stayed there so many times now that it does feel like a home from home.
A long but uneventful journey home and unpacking mostly done! Tomorrow I have a Waxcap Workshop at Longshaw, so I have no time to sit and pine for Suffolk, but I do have lots of holiday photos to sort through, representing some great memories of a brilliant holiday.
And back to reasonably speedy broadband - that's great after the last week of hopelessly slow 3G. I've got a lot of catching up to do! I was amazed to find that the image of Maggi Hambling's Scallop that I had to back-blip reached the spotlight - thank you to people who looked back and favourites it!

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