Four Immutable Laws

1) when you get on your bike, you automatically don a Harry Potteresque invisibility cloak, so that pedestrians and motorists look straight through you and continue to step out in front of you / overtake parked cars on the other side of the road and head straight for you

2) it will start raining just as you get to the point furthest from home, where it's just as easy to keep going as turn back(and the invisibility cloak offers no protection against rain)

3) a heron will always fly off just as you creep closer to get a clearer shot

4) when you wear your lucky socks for the first time this season, your team will always lose heavily (in this case an abject performance to lose 4 - 1; at least it was away, so I didn't have to witness it at first hand)

It's been that sort of day! This morning while we were putting a second coat of paint on the loft walls, the weather was glorious. Still, the curry is in the oven and it's almost G & T time!

Apologies for the awful photos; they're all I've got!

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