
By Inverculain


I've blipped before about how much I love to stop in the Cathay lounge in Hong Kong for a bowl of noodles.

Today you almost got another blip of an in-transit snack from there, but you were spared that because of a quirk with my new compact. I'd snapped my steaming bowl of dan dan noodles from above, and had put the camera down and started tucking into them. It seems the rx100 keeps the LCD on by default until it automatically shuts down to save power after a few minutes, and as I was sitting on a bar-level table with a nice shiny surface looking towards lower tables, I noticed that I'd "composed" this shot when I put it down! All I had to do was reach over and press the button, though I admit I tried a few to shots to try to catch the perfect noodle-eating moment.

See the noodle-eating action closer up.

Hong Kong wasn't my ultimate destination, but it might give you a clue as to the direction. I've actually just arrived at my final destination (when I say "arrived" - staying in an airport hotel, with a train journey to take in the morning). Any more guesses? All will be revealed tomorrow :)

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