Par Mes Yeux

By MesYeux

Higher Learning

After a 20 year absence, football is returning to my university. There was a student referendum, and we were allowed to vote whether we wanted the return to occur or not. In deciding to bring football back, it raised the cost of tuition by $8.50 per semester hour. If one takes 15 hours per semester, that's an additional $127.50. We here in America have to take out loans to pay for school, thereby graduating with a debt of, on average, $40,000 or more.

Personally, I would have preferred not having football at my school. I rather liked the thought that an institution of higher education was primarily concerned with education - not sports!! As it is, we are spending millions of dollars to refurbish the stadium, and we are going to have a ONE MILLION DOLLAR SCOREBOARD, replete with a giant TV screen for viewing replays.

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