Views of my world

By rosamund


Carlos and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary today! He had the day off and I had an inservice day at work so I got up early to bake the scones for coffee break time and really enjoyed our morning session all about mindfulness. I was glad to find that being mindful, accepting each moment as it is, appreciating the good ones and working through and letting go of the bad ones is already a pretty big part of my approach to life but it was so lovely to share this approach was a staff team and hopefully help us all to keep more grounded and stress free in our work and home lives.

One of the enduringly wonderful things about getting married in your living room means that every year you can celebrate in the exact spot you got married in. When I got home from work the sun was breaking through the clouds and the light and the colour of the trees matched almost exactly to that beautiful day five years ago. We were sitting enjoying our celebration meal (fillet steak with blue cheese sauce, yum!) when this beauty passed by. Carlos didn't object when I immediately wanted to jump up and blip it, the cruise ships will be few and far between until next spring now, all the yachts have gone, autumn is well and truly upon us once more. I don't mind though because it signals the start of another year that I get to spend with a wonderful man who has brought me love and laughter every single day since I was lucky enough for him to come into my life.

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