Three Questions?

I was at Pitfour lake and I met someone taking photos. She looked very professional with a big camera and nice tripod.
We started chatting and she told me she was from a nearby camera club.
She said lots of the members had taken photos of this boathouse so here is my effort with a slightly different take!
Can you guess?
We're off to have lunch with my sister and her husband at an Italian place
Have a great weekend.
P.S. An enjoyable quiz last night and we would have won if we had known the answers!!!
One of the questions was "Which kind of penguin has the same name as a kind of pasta?"
In this track the title isn't mentioned until the very end.
Can you think of any other songs where the title isn't mentioned until the end?
Answers later today.
What a clever bunch you are.
The picture was upside down but I've righted it now
It is the macaroni penguin
The song I was thinking of was Up The Junction by Squeeze

Sent from my iPad

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