Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Blackheath Heritage

My friend and fellow Blackheath Blipper, Gemax is fond of saying that "it's not just about the subject, it's about the light falling on the subject!" Oh how true it is. Blackheath is one of the most prosperous little villages in the Blue Mountains. The commercial centre is always booming. On weekends, tourists are everywhere but the light falling UPON Blackheath suggests a different story.

If you wait for just the right moment you can catch this line of heritage shop facades in Govetts Leap Road illuminated "just so" by the late afternoon spring sun. By this light they look like proper candidates for "Derelict Thursday" but at the same time they seem bursting with character. In truth they may be old but they are in respectable condition ... and very much in demand. Light can lie through its teeth sometimes ... don't you reckon?

While I won't say this image is exactly SOOC, no attempt has been made to adjust the colour or the white balance. Just thought you'd be interested to know that.

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