Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


We are the “city” grandparents, so when there was no school today and the parents all had to work, we took the 3 older grandkids for a bit of “culture”…. took the bus downtown to the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) to see the Pop Departure show…. comics by Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol prints, Jeff Koons ceramics, a big lighted Robert Indiana sign (EAT) that Tatum wants in her room and a ceramic piece of pie and a Claus O ldenburg ice pack were just a bit of this art from the 60s and 70s and onward showing how technology has changed all that even tho it’s still about a consumer culture. At the end were some “15 minutes” of fame with many people singing one song (My Way) who have posted themselves onYoutube. And using computer technology to make double exposure photos etc…Lunch at SAM - there is a surprisingly great (and reasonable) kids menu - and then a walk down to the Aquarium (the area is a mess with trying to build the tunnel next to the sound) and back up through the Market to the bus home in time to collapse on the couch and watch an “On demand” movie ( an oldie - The Italian Job - I love the Venice part of that!) with milkshakes and popcorn. H just took them all home. Really a fun day.

Oh, the blip. As part of the POP exhibition, there is an interactive room with a microsoft paint program on big and little computers for anyone to play with. Of course they all had a great time using these. Oskar got to the big wall computer and it brought to mind a video I’ve seen of Picasso painting on the other side of a piece of glass (I’ll bet some of you have seen this classic- we saw it in Antibes..) Seemed to fit the idea of this show — the old way and the departure: the new way -would Picasso have embraced these computer programs? (I think yes)

And I’ve put a few from our day on flickr for family—including Fiona’s art from yesterday. and now H and I are going to continue collapsing on the couch with a movie…! :-)

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