
By hoodedpigwoman


I was fiddling with the zoom and self timer and I didn't notice what Alexander was up to until I turned round to run to my place (I also didn't notice I was cutting the top of my head off). We tried to recreate it with the top of my head included, but it just wasn't as good.

On the way out of the Botanic Gardens we passed a granny pushing a pram who overheard our following exchange, to her great amusement:
(preceded by a garbled conversation about berries being poisonous and maybe killing you)
Alexander: what happens after people's world? (i.e. when you die)
Me: That is a question people having being trying to answer for thousands of years. Lots of people believe different things.
A: But you have to tell me!
Me: I can't tell you. You have to be dead to find out.

I don't think Father Sketch would be very pleased with me btw. I suspect he is in a personal heaven involving French cheese and burgundy. I rather like Terry Pratchett's suggestion that you go where you are expecting to (if I've understood him right). Obviously mine would be a classic heaven of lovely friends and family and pets (despite Sister Mary Goretti's best efforts I still believe pets go to heaven). The only problem with that is what if they want to go somewhere else....?

The question about "are we in a film on somebody else's telly?" was slightly easier in comparison (not much).

Sister Mary Goretti was always addressed and referred to in this full-length name style

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