
By TBay

Harvest decorations.

I have been a busy bee today decorating our local church. It is no longer in regular use and is now in the hands of the Historic Churches Trust . We do hold 4 services a year which are usually well attended by the locals.

Sunday is our Harvest Service and today I decorated my bit of the church. I do the alter and two windows plus the entrance to the church. It always looks so lovely when it is all done, and even if you have no religious leaning Puxton Church is well worth a visit. It is famous for its extraordinary leaning tower. No idea how it is still there, but it is!

Farming- Two on compost hauling. Mr Tbay busy with Mr Tbay Jnr unblocking and cleaning guttering today ready for the winter. Mr Tbay also managed to squeeze a bit of lawn mowing in as well. Hoping you all have a great weekend full of blips!

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