Reelig Glen
The ghostly apparition!
Beautiful walk today down the Reelig Glen with Freddie. The dogs were so exited it was great to see.
It is a lovely little Glen with the Moniak burn flowing down through the trees. In parts it has very steep sides, covered in some if the tallest trees in the UK. Originally privately owned, it is now in the care of the Forestry Commission, and in the past various follies, pretty bridges and secret arbours were built. These are now partly ruined and covered in moss and lichens. It all adds to the mystery of the place.
I took this photo of the old bridge across the burn and it wasn't until I uploaded it at home that I realised that the ghost of a past little brown cocker, very like Bud, appeared on the old bridge. I'm sure it wasn't Bud as all the dogs had gone on ahead with Sheila at the time of taking the photo, so a ghostly apparition it must be.
Bud apologises for his depressing blip yesterday, it is not like him as he is usually very happy. Glad to say he feels much better today.
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