BCAM - Pink Challenge Day 10

The protestors are still camping out in Admiralty and blocking the main road from Central to Wan Chai and inconveniencing a whole load of HKers :( It's hard to know how to feel about it because it has really effected small businesses and of course schools, buses, taxis, the list goes on! Businesses missed the magic 'Golden Week' when many mainlanders are here spending, spending, spending!

Attitudes are changing amongst HKers themselves, but we still understand and appreciate the sacrifice of the protestors and their determination.

The boys (as do all Island School students) are having to be on a 6pm ferry as their bus needs to avoid traffic and won't pick up any later. There doesn't seem to be any let up and so we can expect that next week will be no different.

Bible study first thing and then Plaza for some errands. Also managed to spend some time preparing for our church's next big community event 'Kids in the Park'. I'll be missing this year's as I'll be in Dubai.

Then when I headed back to the Plaza to catch my bus home, these folk ALL dressed in pink emerged and of course I had to follow them to find out what they were all about. They are a corporation who were doing some team-building in Discovery Bay. Oh how convenient ... and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time! BCAM blip done.

Would you be so kind as to click on this link and help donate free mammograms, thank you.

Don't forget tomorrow is Pink Saturday challenge and also if you participate, would you pls add the link to the breast cancer website.

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