Assembly Day

Today was Miss E's Year 2 Assembly. They've been studying Florence Nightingale and they were all dressed up as Victorian nurses, doctors and soldiers. There was even a Queen Victoria and Florence's mum and dad.
Miss E had vaguely mentioned that she needed a smart teacher's outfit. I failed to make the connection with the Victorian theme so bought her a pretty new dress and some much needed new winter boots.
So I was a little mortified when all the others came out in full period costume and Miss E sauntered out in this ensemble.
Hee hee!
I am so useless when it comes to things like this. The other week it was Jeans-for-Genes day and for £1 they could wear denim to school. Despite the name of the day I just read it as mufti day so while every other child in school was in some sort of denim - parents had even gone out to buy things especially - my two were in pretty summer dresses.
Must try harder!!
The Assembly was so sweet - lots of facts about Florence Nightingale and some really great songs. They all did so well remembering all their lines, songs and actions.
I love watching Miss E - so eager and enthusiastic. She made a few mistakes and rather than looking cross and embarrassed she just giggled and carried on. That's huge for her!
And she rocked her inappropriate outfit!

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