'Post Move Relaxation'
A huge day moving the office downstairs today.
We had 4 joiners, 2 electricians, 1 locksmith, 1 builder and myself, my boss Darren & his wife Sharon doing all of the shifting, moving, reconnecting, tidying, blah, blah, blah. All went very smoothly actually and once we reconnected all of the computers, printers, photocopiers and modem to the server in it's new location everything worked exactly how it should. I must admit that I was expecting at least a couple of hiccups, but there really wasn't anything that we couldn't fix by ourselves.
As of Monday we'll be working from our new home downstairs.
Here is Darren and Sharon sitting down for a breather after everyone had finished for the day and just before I headed of home. As you can see, they're pretty happy with the way things worked out today. I guess after all it was very well planned and executed as you would expect from Architects.
Looking forward to tomorrow as the annual Zombie Shuffle is on again in town. I'll be heading in while MsMun takes the kids to a friend of Bella's birthday party in Badger Creek.
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